Immigration Legal Services - Avoid Scams

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Applying for an Immigration benefit is an important step in a person’s life.  It can also be very confusing.  There are many websites dedicated to misleading immigrants with false information or fees which are not necessary.  For instance, many websites will charge someone for printing a United States Immigration Form.  These forms are actually free to download and print or request directly from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Some websites are mistaken for government websites.  The official website for USCIS, where someone can get accurate information about immigration benefits as well as print off the USCIS forms, is:  If you are looking for information regarding immigration benefits or if you have question about a certain website, please contact us and we will help you find what you are looking for.


 There are also many people who want to take someone’s money to provide a service but who are not qualified to provide that service and who do not actually provide the service they say they are going to.  These people are what we call NOTARIOS.  The word “Notario” is the Spanish-language equivalent to a Notary Public.  In many Latin American Countries, a Notario is a trained legal professional.  In these countries, Notarios may be qualified and licensed to provide legal assistance to their clients.  But in the United States, some people will call themselves Notarios to take advantage of people who might assume that they are qualified and licensed.  Many Notarios in the United States are not licensed attorneys or accredited representatives and are not qualified and permitted to provide immigration legal assistance.

You have the right to ask for the credentials of the person who is providing the service to you.

If you believe you have been the victim of fraud, please contact:

ABA Commission on Immigration

202/638-3844 (fax)


You can also go to the following websites to learn more:

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services   

American Bar Association 

American Bar Association (Espanol)

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