November 18, 2022

My Journey to God

Surrendering to Thee

Unimportant is my will.
Important is Thy Will.
O Jesus, i surrender my will to Thee.
Take care of everything.

Wounded is my heart.
Whole is Thy Sacred Heart.
O Jesus, i surrender my heart to Thee.
Take care of everything.

Insignificant are my fears.
Significant is Thy Peace.
O Jesus, i surrender my fears to Thee.
Take care of everything.

Irrelevant are others’ opinions.
Relevant is Thy Preferences.
O Jesus, i surrender others’ opinions of me to Thee.
Take care of everything.

Imperfect is myself.
Perfect is Thee:
Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.
O Jesus, i surrender myself to Thee.
Take care of everything.
Make me whole,
into Thy image,
into Thy likeness,
pleasing to Thee,

O Most Holy Trinity,
i offer Thee today:
the past, present, and future.
i let it go to Thee.
Take care of everything.

O Most Holy Trinity,
i surrender everything to Thee.
Take care of everything.

Thy Will be done.
Deo gratias!

By Lauren Smith

(Lauren Smith is a member of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Indianapolis.)

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