August 26, 2022

My Journey to God

Thy Will be done

All that happened,
in the past,
for Thy Glory,
no matter what,
Thy Will be done.

All that happens,
in the present,
for Thy Glory,
no matter what,
Thy Will be done.

All that will happen,
in the future,
for Thy Glory,
no matter what,
Thy Will be done.

Reasons for everything,
incomprehensible to me, yet,
comprehensible to Thee,
dear Heavenly Father,
dear Heavenly Daddy,
O Abba Father!

Please empty of me,
the will of the flesh, and
the will of the world,
to live by the Spirit,
Thy Holy Spirit, and
conform to Thy Will.

Thy Will be done,
presently, and

Thy Will be done.

By Lauren Smith

(Lauren Smith is a member of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Indianapolis.)

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