May 13, 2022

My Journey to God

What is a Mother?

From the moment of conception,
a mother is first and foremost
a protector of her child.
Every decision now made
revolves around this new life—
fragile, gentle, mild.

The life she has known
she selflessly puts on hold.
The love from within her soul
empowers her to be so bold.

Denying herself
of everyday pleasure,
sacrifices she will make—
she won’t even measure.

Focused only on the time
when she will finally
hold this new life
close to her chest,
she powers through sacrifices,
the inconveniences, the pain
and all the rest.

Finally, she takes her new child home,
and until death will they part.
This child continues to grow,
but can never grow out of her heart.

She relishes the time
they lovingly spend together,
knowing this special time
will certainly not last forever.

Now this child,
long disguised as an adult,
looks no different to her
through the eyes of her heart.

She loves her child with
nothing less than her whole heart,
for it is in this love she knows
they will never be far apart.

So, what did God have in mind
when he created the mother?
Someone capable of loving a child
like no other.

By Greg Hublar

(Greg Hublar is a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in New Albany.)

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