March 26, 2021

Investing with Faith / Chris Hirschfeld

Qualified financial advisor can help you realize charitable goals

Chris HirschfeldHave you ever asked yourself the following question: “I’d like to leave something to my parish or to charities I’m passionate about, but how much can I afford to give?”

You’ve worked hard for the money you’ve saved. None of us can be sure what expenses will be in the future. How do we prepare for such uncertainties while still being able to impact charitable organizations that we’re passionate about? One of the best ideas is to have a financial plan.

A financial plan provides a guide for action. It presents alternatives to help you measure what you can and cannot afford. It can give you a sense of direction.

It helps you focus on your objectives and helps you prioritize what is most important to you and your family. One of the biggest advantages to planning is that it provides motivation and commitment. Charitable gifts become reality when there is a commitment.

A qualified financial advisor can be a valuable resource. He or she can help you customize a plan to meet your personal goals, given the level of resources you have. A good plan will quantify how well your savings and income will cover your future expenses, while also being able to measure the level of giving you can achieve that accomplishes your charitable goals.

If you have a charitable desire, let your planner know that is one of your priorities. He or she can help you measure how much you can afford to give, without hurting your own financial security.

Charitable giving is a personal decision. For many of us, it is a faith-based decision. Remember, stewardship is about time, talent and treasure. Take the time to pray about your charitable intentions. Consider using the talent of a financial advisor to help you achieve your charitable goals.

With a financial plan, you give yourself the best chance to have your treasure impact the charity of your choice. Consider making an appointment with your financial planner to discuss your charitable goals. For more information, contact the Catholic Community Foundation at

(Chris Hirschfeld, who serves on the Catholic Community Foundation’s Advisory Board of Directors and is co-chairperson of its Planned Giving Committee, is a member of Christ the King Parish in Indianapolis. Tax or legal information provided herein is not intended as tax or legal advice. Always consult with your legal, tax and financial advisors before implementing a gift plan.)

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