December 22, 2017

A Christmas message from Archbishop Charles C. Thompson

(En español)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Archbishop Charles C. ThompsonI wish everyone throughout central and southern Indiana a blessed Christmas and grace-filled New Year. Amid the exchange of gifts that is so customary at this time of year, let us not overlook our most precious gifts that remain with us throughout the year—namely, the gifts of faith, family and friends—more valuable than any sum of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Please allow me to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude for all those who have welcomed, supported and held me in prayer during the course of these first months of my ministry as your shepherd. While the schedule and expectations can seem rather daunting at times, I take great consolation in the great witness of faith so readily apparent throughout our local Church, in central and southern Indiana.

Whether you are spending the Christmas season with loved ones or alone, whether near or far, I pray that each of you encounter the sacred presence of God within the depths of your very being.

I ask that you join me in prayer during this special time of grace, especially as we embark on ushering in the New Year, for those who lack a sense of faith and hope.

In particular, let us remember those who feel alienated from God, Church, family

and/or humanity in general. May we continue to reflect the Incarnation of God becoming one like us in all things but sin, as Pope Francis exhorts us, by seeking to cultivate a culture of accompaniment, dialogue and mercy.

Let us seek not only to encounter the person of Jesus Christ in and throughout 2018, but dare to be a means of that encounter for others.

Your Brother in Christ,

Archbishop Charles C. Thompson

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