What was in the news on July 30, 1965?
Infallibility understood in a clearer light and nuns allowed to distribute Communion in mission territory
By Brandon A. Evans
This week, we continue to examine what was going on in the Church and the world 50 years ago as seen through the pages of The Criterion.
Here are some of the items found in the July 30, 1965, issue of The Criterion:
- ‘Unity talks’ opened with Presbyterians
Cardinal Ritter: Infallibility doctrine seen in clearer light
- “LONDON—The ecumenical council’s teaching on the collegiality of bishops places papal infallibility in a clearer light, Cardinal Joseph Ritter of St. Louis has stated. The cardinal spoke on the changes brought about in the Church by the council in a recorded interview broadcast over the national network of the British Broadcasting Corporation (July 17) in which three other cardinal participated. ‘The changes are really tremendous,’ said Cardinal Ritter. ‘In the eyes of the world, the image of the Church has been changed. The Church has revealed itself as being open and in service to the world, that it wants to serve the world.’ …‘Collegiality,’ [said] Cardinal Ritter, ‘helps to put the infallibility of the pope in proper light in relationship with the bishops.’ ”
Lay groups in move from cooperation
Monks to form parish center in Lima, Peru
Educational Conference closes gap
Peru to pay lay staff in parochial schools
Stress realtors’ duty in open housing field
Eyewitness story: Tells about KKK rally near Bogalusa
Improved services seen: Medicare will help Church institutions
Cardinal’s priest aide fatally shot
Clerics reported ousted from Sudan
Give Communion
- “GIRADOT, Colombia—Missionary Sisters of Madre Laura who work in remote areas of the Giradot diocese have been given permission by Bishop Ciro Gomez Serrano to carry consecrated Hosts to their mission stations and distribute Communion to the faithful. It is the second authorization of its kind given to nuns in Latin America. A similar experiment is being tried in northern Brazil.”
Boys enjoy camp life at Rancho Framasa
10,000 Chinese receive baptism
Rules sterilization program is illegal
Diocese will run new FM station
Sailors paint church, not town
Sees strong upsurge in number of converts
Theologian issues challenge to laity
Trappists decide on ‘updating’
Visual equipment donated to Marian
Priests vote for mission duty
From Boonville, Ind.: Priest, five boys pedal bikes on 2,000-mile junket to Texas
Vatican postal rates boosted
Clergy changes are announced by St. Meinrad
Movement launched: Anglican nuns work for Christian unity
Advances are predicted in training of Jesuits
Berlin Catholics provide housing
Obtains release of Czech priests
(Read all of these stories from our July 30, 1965, issue by logging on to our special archives.) †