November 18, 2005

Letters to the Editor

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Bankrupt dioceses test faithful’s trust in the Church hierarchy

Regarding the editorial in the Nov. 4 Criterion titled, “What Catholic dioceses can learn from the experience of bankruptcy,” what are we, the faithful, to believe anymore?

Many times it’s difficult to faithfully trust changes that reach us from the Vatican or diocesan headquarters, but we carry on. Oh, we may wink on some of those occasions, but as good Catholics we remain devoted to the true faith.

However, don’t you know there’s always a “however” or a “but?” Please don’t ask we the faithful to believe that the bankrupt Diocese of Spokane is now located in the state of Oregon.

-Joseph M. Mucha, Pittsboro


Weight loss program has benefits for all people

In the “Faithful Lines” column in the Oct. 28 Criterion, Shirley Vogler Meister mentioned the “Light Weigh Program.” I have about three years’ experience in Light Weigh groups in Jennings County.

I would like to point out that people with no weight problems can also benefit from the spiritual aspects of the program. People suffering from addictions other than overeating could benefit from the discipline and strategies borrowed from St. Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Ignatius Loyola, and the Virgin Mary’s example of obedience and humility before God.

We are all precious but no one is special since we are all God’s children.

-Vickie Ernstes, North Vernon


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